

Created by Certifiable Studios

Gather your team. Complete your mission. Save your soul. It all hangs by a thread!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 6 years ago – Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 02:23:21 AM

We got some STUFF! Wanna see?

And if you are one of the 125 backers that have yet to fill out your survey, well...?

Have a great weekend!

- The Certifiable team

about 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 12:32:08 AM

We would like to introduce you to the newest members of the Certifiable team! 

We've never been so happy to be so birdened! 

One burden that we aren't too fond of, however, is that we have 141 backers that haven't filled out their surveys. It's not too late! Please don't make us add an actual Burden Birden to the mix. Isn't 9 enough? 

- The Certifiable team

about 6 years ago – Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 12:37:39 AM

For the "Rick" STUFF: Our manufacturer is getting geared back up after their Chinese New Year break, so it's time for us to commit to our order quantities and get the presses started.  On Monday, we'll be charging the post KS funds in Backerkit, which includes anything you didn't already pay for at the end of the campaign.  Just wanted you to be aware, since it's probably not on your mind at the moment.  Also, there are still close to 200 backers that have not completed their surveys to complete the order.  If this happens to be you, please try to get this done before Monday.  

Have a great weekend!

- The Certifiable team

over 6 years ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 12:24:37 AM

There is so much story behind the game...we decided to put the game in the story.  Here is the new box design for STUFFED! 

If you want the sleeve, we need the vote! Please vote for WHO GOES THERE? in the Board Game Geek Most Anticipated Games of 2018 list in these five categories: OVERALL, ORIGINAL/ INNOVATIVE, CROWD FUNDED, THEMATIC, and HORROR.  Oh, and please vote for STUFFED, too.  It's in the BEST OF THE REST category.  



Don't make all that work go to waste! Vote now so I can shove this in Rick's face! 

- Jesse 


over 6 years ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 11:39:38 PM

We've had great response in the first 24 hours answering the surveys with almost 60% complete already. This really bodes well for us to get our orders in to the manufacturer., so thank you! For those of you that haven't answered the survey yet, what the hell? Ha!  

One thing we have noticed is quite a few backers have chosen not to buy just one dice cup, but all three.  As much as we love this, we feel bad about you spending so much money on the cups, so we have made a change and are giving some options so you can save some money.  Each cup with custom engraved dice is $15, but we have added options for two cups of the same color for $25 and for those of you who want one of each color, we are giving you all three for $30. That will save you $15.  You are still able to make any changes to your order, so please do so if you'd like.  

You will get two blue engraved dice with each cup
You will get two blue engraved dice with each cup

Brian and I will be heading to San Antonio for PAX South tomorrow, so if any of you are going to be there, please come see us. 

Thanks, again!

- Rick and the Certifiable team